Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mission: "Brass Cat"

This is a brief account of the recovery of agent Hobs - a story that can finally be told now that the mission is complete and Hobs is safe on home turf.


At the point of mission deployment a bronze tiger stood frozen in time - a prophetic symbol of both the mission objective . . . and the dangers ahead.

Hobs was a political refugee from the dark side. What she knew of our enemies was more than she could tell us.

In a mission gone awry, Agent Hobs had become separated from her handlers, was captured and held prisoner in a building discovered only after long surveillance amidst Cairo's endless urban sprawl.

Her special skills included an uncanny sixth sense and ability to survive the most harrowing experiences. An attempt at her rescue was never in doubt - only the timing remained to be determined.

First contact within the prison facility found her weak with fatigue, and in shock from rough interrogations.

Her rescue was planned to take advantage of a brief moment of inattention of her captors - following a routine interrogation session.

With her captors distracted, the plan was put into affect with lightening speed. Agent hobs was slipped into an open bag that had been smuggled into the prison. . . . in a flash, and hidden from view, she was swept out the door and into a taxi - which sped to the airport.

On the transport to the plane, other passengers had no idea that Agent Hobs was making good her escape - right under their very noses.

With her former captors alerted to her escape - and the alarm sounded - a direct departure was out of the question. Instead, a safe house was arranged up-valley for debriefing and to rebuild Agent Hob's strength for the final escape.

Arriving at the safe house at an undisclosed location near the ancient City of Thebes, Hobs slowly realized her ordeal of captivity had ended.

Her debriefing told a harrowing account recounted with flashbacks of terror retold with paws waving wildly in the air.

To Be Continued .. . .

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