Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Where does NOW go . . . .

. . . when the world is done with it? Stephen King posed this question in his novella "The Langoliers".

An answer is in present-day Luxor, Egypt, where Luxor's recent history has been snatched away - leaving barren ground and dust swirling in the air.

The real life metaphor of Luxor is as chilling as King's novella. If there is hope and faith that a new "Plan for Luxor" will bring a future dream to life . . . . one can't help but notice that Faith also faces uncertainty. .

The barren land that held Luxor's most recent shape may give life to something new - but what exactly?

Will the "Master Plan" recreate the work of generations - of dreams, ambitions, enterprises, and designs cultivated over decades. Will the plan find it economical to balance aesthetics and make a street more interesting to visitors ?

As in the movie - as the last structure slides into the black chasm of the past, one wonders what happens next? Will the low-bid architects of modern-day Egypt pull the design for THIS building out of their files?

Out in the greyness of the "nows" which have not yet arrived - new shapes are forming. If we wait long enough - they may yet come to life.


  1. what brought this up. Pulling an allnighter or couldn't sleep

  2. Just looking for a chance to introduce a mention of the Langoliers to a blog post. Its a time thing.
